Local In-Home Personal Training ..We Come to you.

Are you looking for a personal trainer in Portchester, White Plains, Rye, Rye Brook, Purchase, Hartsdale,Scarsdale and surrounding cities?

Our programs are designed will help you lose weight, build muscle and improve mobility all from the comfort of your home.

Our In-Home Personal Training will help you slash body fat, improve muscle tone, and increase mobility and can all be done from the comfort of your home.

We work with any age and fitness level.

NY, In-Home Personal Trainer

Welcome to the comfort and convenience of in-home personal training in NY, State.

We service Portchester, White Plains, Rye, Rye Brook, Purchase, Hartsdale, Scarsdale and surrounding cities.

Don’t see your city contact us here?

When you get started today we will match you with a Certified in-home personal trainer who will help design the perfect program for you.

With all of our in-home personal training programs, WE COME TO YOU.

Benefits of Personal Training At Your Home.

  • Slash body fat % with a carefully designed program MADE for you
  • Build muscle and improve mobility
  • Improve cardiovascular and heart health
  • Increase strength, stamina and mobility
  • Learn how to optimize your nutrition and performance
  • Injury and pain management programs
  • Accountability to stay on track with your goals
  • Tracking tools to help you succeed

Real Transformations!

in-home personal trainer
in home personal training success!
in-home personal trainer
Results that last!

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Some of the diverse services offered include…

Fat shedding workouts, strength training programs, pre and post-rehab training, In-Home TRX workouts, yoga and more.

inhometrainer is a company that strongly believes in health and wellness and we do not believe in overly aggressive fitness consultants that are typically found in most gyms.

Our goal is to empower you so you stay motivated and have the knowledge to achieve great health anytime.

All ages are welcome and we invite you to contact us to get started today!

Welcome to the comfort and convenience of in-home personal training.

more personal training clients

The benefit of a gym is now in the comfortable setting of one’s home!

inhometrainers approach is simple, yet effective. While many of our clients do possess some of their own exercise equipment, we stand behind the belief that by initially using the human body to provide natural resistance this allows the body to learn the fundamentals of any exercise routine.

The goal is to get the body as strong as possible without the use of weights.

From there you can incorporate weight lifting and resistance training to further enhance your results.

This is not the gym. There are no machines. Only the human body!

We look forward to working with you.

Our Personal Training Team
Mike Tangreda CEO of In Home Trainer
Mike. T
About Me:

Thank you for visiting our website. We have a team of certified in-home personal trainers across the country to help you reach you goals fast. All of our trainers are 100% certified and also hold our additional in-home personal training certification. I am confident you will find the absolute best trainer to hep you achieve […]

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